About my Book
This is a real-life story without the hype, of my adventures as a young man in the pursuit of a career as a pilot. The book begins in the tumultuous times of the early 80’s ,when Colonel Ghaddafi of Libya, was terrorizing the world with his antics. I trace some family events back to 1816, and for me, as a boy growing up on a farm in Australia, to the jungles and deserts of Africa, and beyond. The name of the book encompasses two of the far-flung destinations I visited, showing what eventuated in between polar opposites in a metaphorical sense and from a geographic point of view.
The book started as a collection of anecdotal accounts of various times and incidents to document my life and incorporate some history, as a way for my wider family and future generations to understand. As I dug deeper into past events, I realized that the scope was quite large and so it eventually morphed into a story that I hope you will find an interesting and entertaining read. I also hope some younger people will be inspired by my story, to move out of their comfort zone and achieve greater things in their future lives. It just requires motivation and perseverance.
If you would like to see an introduction to each chapter, click on the chapter link below. In this section I add more images that are not featured in the book but are relevant to the events. Also a section for blogs is available to anybody who wishes to comment or add some personal images and recollection of their involvement in the various stories.
The book will only be available as an E-Book on the Amazon/Kindle platform. If you would like to purchase a copy, click on the Amazon link below or on the same link on the other pages.